Doin' things the smart way don't cost half as much as doin' them the stupid way.
Onsite Consultation and Training
- Included in the yearly consultation fee are unlimited on-site visits.
- There is a separate consultants fee for on-site visits.
- All visitations will have an additional cost for travel and a per diem for food and lodging.
- Districts will be responsible for printing any materials from ScLS for staff training.
- Areas of potential on-site services from the Sample Calendar Schedule for Implementing Choice/Mastery found at studentcentriclearningsystems.org:
*Initial Meeting for Superintendent to Share Program with District Administrative Staff
*Supt. meets with Building Principals, Union representatives, & key Teaching Staff
*Principals share Differentiated Mastery program with building staff
*Principals lead Question and Answer session with building staff
*BPLs collaborate to develop staff training
Distance Consultation
- Included is unlimited email, text, and phone communication.
- Though most contacts will be with administration, Building Program Leaders (BPLs) and District Program Coordinators (DPCs), ScLS will happily be available to individual staff. Flexibility and Service where it is needed is our goal.
Access to a Collaborative Community
- Staff can share effective lessons to the ScLS website and download lessons from other teachers in other Districts.
- Staff can share effective class management strategies and propose solutions to challenges shared by teachers on the ScLS site.
- Administrators may share successes and reach out for solutions.
Watch about sayin' "It can't be done." Somebody's liable to interrupt you by doin' it.
Research, Review, and Sharing of Best Practices
- ScLS will do research to locate and evaluate Best Practices that can benefit schools, from classroom innovations to building construction and everywhere in between.
- Best Practices that appear valid and practical will be shared with Districts complete with the necessary information to evaluate and readily implement them.
Initial 5-year contract
- In general it takes 5 years to completely integrate any organizational transition, thus we aim to support you throughout this period with an initial 5-year contract.
Ongoing connection to Collaborative Community & Best Practices
- At the end of the 5-year contract for a nominal fee, renewed annually, staff and administrators can stay connected to the Collaborative Community resources found on the ScLS website.
- This connection also gives access to further on-site visits.