- Once students get the format, they are grateful for the freedom to choose how they learn and move through the course content.
- The flexibility of the differentiated mastery format allows students to catch up from absences.
- There is a dramatic increase in student pride and responsibility for learning and individual accountability.
- There is a large increase in student awareness of their understanding of the material and readiness to move on.
- There is an increased engagement in learning as students gain confidence that they can learn the material.
- Having options in how they learn and individual accountability increases student participation.
- Students feel respected in the classroom, which leads to higher motivation, a better work ethic, and greater appreciation for the material they are learning. The emphasis is on student learning, not teacher control.
- There is more flexibility as kids choose what learning opportunities to do and how quickly they progress.
- Can move faster if able, slower if needed.
- Students are not left behind if they dont get it early on.
- Once the lower-aptitude students get caught up with their foundational knowledge, which may require more time in the beginning, they will likely not need additional time for new concepts.
- The gaps of knowledge between students at different levels decreases.
- There is a growing sense of community as students are respected more, enjoy why they are in school (to learn and grow!), and have more time to develop supportive relationships with teachers since staff have more interactions with individual kids.