*Initial Meeting for Superintendent to Share Program with District Administrative Staff
- Superintendent meets with District staff to share the Differentiated Mastery proposal, listen to comments, and modify the implementation plan.
- May include building Principals, Union representatives, and key teaching staff
(grade-level team leaders and/or content area chairs).
- The benefit of including more people at the start is that there are more ideas generated and everyone involved feels heard. Thus they are more committed to the process as their voice mattered.
- The downside to including too many folk at the start is the unwieldy group size. People are less likely to share in larger settings and that loses not only ideas, but individual engagement with the process.
1-2 weeks later...
*Supt. meets with Building Principals, Union representatives, & key Teaching Staff
- IF these were not included earlier, meet with Building Principals, Union representatives, and key teaching staff
(grade-level team leaders and/or content area chairs).
- Share the Differentiated Mastery proposal, listen to comments, and modify the implementation plan.
1-2 weeks later...
*Principals share Differentiated Mastery program with building staff
- Share the Differentiated Mastery program to building staff. Listen to comments, and pass along to District staff ideas to modify the implementation plan.
- Include information about the need for a Building Program Leader (BPL) and anticipated responsibilities.
1-2 weeks later...
*Principals lead Question and Answer session with building staff
" Question and Answer (Q&A) session with building staff. Continue to listen and adjust.
Alterations to the plan may be district-wide or building specific.
" Principal accepts applications for BPLs.
2 weeks later...
Principals interview BPL candidates
- BPLs interviewed and selected for each building.
- There could be one full-time or part-time BPL, two part-time BPLs, or 2-3 buildings could share a single, full-time BPL.
NOTE that the first 2-3 years it may be best to have BPLs devote their entire time to that task, but at most have only one class preparation. Once the program is more established, this could be combined with part-time class instruction of no more than two preparations.
- BPLs begin planning to fulfill their role in training, development, and monitoring.
1-2 weeks later...
*BPLs collaborate to develop staff training
- BPLs work together for three to four days to develop practical means to implement teacher training at the building level. The number of days and hours each day may vary.
- BPLs develop training for lesson planning and ideas for classroom management.
- Each day BPLs meet for 3-4 hours, then work at home to prepare for the next training day.
- The goal at the beginning is for BPLs to become comfortable with the basic structure of Differentiated Mastery.
- The end goal is to create a template to prepare training for teachers in their buildings.
1-2 weeks later...
*BPLs begin staff training sessions
- BPLs begin training teachers in their buildings.
Session 1: e.g. Staff are led to prepare a unit they will use the 1st Qtr., including a test, a single quiz for that unit, a set of learning options for that quiz, & complete unit checklist. They also begin the process of developing a new classroom management strategy.
1-2 weeks to create the draft unit assignment and classroom management strategy.
Session 2: e.g. Review these unit First Drafts and initial class management plans.
Solicit suggestions, ideas.
1-2 weeks to refine the draft unit assignment and classroom management strategy.
Session 3: e.g. Submit polished draft units and classroom management strategies.
Solicit additional suggestions, ideas.
* 2-4 weeks
Staff submit their classroom management strategy, the final unit test, ALL quizzes, ALL sets of learning options for EACH quiz, & complete unit checklist that will be used 1st Qtr. to BPLs for their records and review.
- BPLs review the submitted units and classroom management strategies and share observations individually with teachers.
2-4 weeks estimate for BPLs to review unit lessons, class management strategies, and offer feedback individually to teachers. Ideally complete this phase for BPLs before summer break.
8-12 weeks for teachers to develop complete differentiated mastery plans for the first 12 weeks of the next school year.
- Teachers submit plans 2 weeks ahead of the next school year to BPLs for their records and review.
4-5 weeks for teachers to develop the next 9 weeks of plans.
- Teachers submit plans to BPLs for their records and review.
4-5 weeks for teachers to develop the next 9 weeks of plans.
- Teachers submit plans to BPLs for their records and review.
4-5 weeks for teachers to develop the LAST 6 weeks of plans.
- Teachers submit plans to BPLs for their records and review.
- Teachers continue to adjust their lessons and class management strategies as well as submitting complete lesson plans in advance. The latter maintains this good planning practice in current staff and establishes it in new hires.
- Ongoing training of new staff by BPLs that follows a similar pattern of lesson development, class management ideas, and submission of plans in advance.
- Depending upon when new staff are hired, their training and support by BPLs will need to be adjusted to the circumstances.
2 weeks before staff arrive...
- BPLs finalize plans for staff training prior to students arrival, including any Best Practice initiatives to share with teachers.
- BPLs review appropriate data and evaluations from previous year to help guide staff training.
- Collect and review first twelve weeks of lessons from teachers. Develop constructive and laudatory feedback for staff to share individually.
NOTE that any collegial conversations between teachers and BPLs should NOT be part of an evaluation process that administrators are responsible for. Otherwise the free flow of creative ideas could be impaired.
Staff arrive...
- BPLs conduct training before students first day.
4-5 weeks later teachers submit their next 9 weeks of lessons.
4-5 weeks later teachers submit their next 9 weeks of lessons.
4-5 weeks later teachers submit their last 6 weeks of lessons.
Last Month of school...
- BPLs collect and review appropriate data, review which Best Practices to share next year.
- Useful data may include GPAs, letter grades (total of each as well as by content area/courses/individual staff), discipline referrals (frequency, type, dispensation, and how many for each staff [be they part of their duty time or teaching time]).
- Collect anonymous evaluations from students, teachers, administrators, and support staff. Review results for trends and useful patterns to note. Share appropriate results with all stakeholders.
ONGOING BPL Activities
- Research Best Practices, focusing on those impacting student learning and health. May include anything that impacts schools, from lowered utility costs (ex.: waterless toilets, solar or green roofs, etc.) to restorative justice practices to effective staff evaluation processes.
- Observe classes and share praise and constructive thoughts individually with teachers.
- Collect and review lesson plans regularly, providing appropriate feedback.
NOTE: Always give feedback so people are encouraged by knowing that you took the
time to explore their hard work.
* Indicates where ScLS may assist on-site or by distance consultation.